We have grown a sorrel plant in our herb garden for a few years now. It is a hearty perennial, and seems to get bigger and stronger with each passing year. The thing is amazing. . almost bionic! When I snip some leaves off (or even ALL the leaves off), within a week or two, they've all regenerated.
Sorrel is an early spring favourite. The flavor is very similar to rhubarb, I've always thought. And upon a visit to a local greenhouse earlier this week, I've confirmed that sorrel is in fact a cousin to rhubarb! I am quite drawn to its' unique flavour. It totally makes you pucker, but I don't mind. In fact, I always sneak a leaf to snack on, whenever I pass by the plant. But what else can you do with such a sour tasting plant?
Let's see....I have added the leaves to other salad greens with great success. I have read of many cultures that actually puree the sorrel for soup. And recently, I devised this tasty salad concoction, in which the sole greens are the uniquely sour leaves of the sorrel:
chopped sorrel leaves
minced mango
olive oil
agave nectar
pine nuts
cayenne pepper
cracked pepper
We have just extended our perennial herb garden. We dug up our special sorrel plant temporarily, in order to prepare the bed. When all was said and done, the sorrel took a prime spot, front and center, in the new garden.
Great share thanks for posting