hello. i am linda, and welcome to my blog.
i am an almost-forty-year-old (yikes!) living in the rolling northwest hills of connecticut with my husband (darren), teenage daughter (emma) and new toddler boy (otto riot). we have two cats (purrdy & kitty) and one rescue pup (dottie). with a teenager, a toddler and a handful of animals living under the same roof ....life is anything but dull!
oh, and did i mention that i work full time for an architectural firm in our state's capitol, over an hour's drive away? oh....and that my mother also lives with us? yup! there's a lot going on in this life, and that's exactly what i blog about.
oh, and did i mention that i work full time for an architectural firm in our state's capitol, over an hour's drive away? oh....and that my mother also lives with us? yup! there's a lot going on in this life, and that's exactly what i blog about.
what else about me. . .
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i like to be ouTside. i like to wal k, hike, run, geocache, ride bikes, rollerblade, snowboard, snowshoe, canoe, camp and birDwatch.
i like to create things. i kni t. i sew. i have been known to draw and paint and sculpt and even maKe books. i like to dabble in graphic design, and do a few freelance projects here &there.
i am a scrabbLe goddes s.
i like to tRavel. internationally, i've viSited england about 4 times, greece, amsterda m, spain and paris. but there are SO many more places i NEED to see ! !! .. . esp. right here in my own country.
i like to cook. i am a veGetarian. i try to cook &eat healthy. i like learning about holistic &natural foods.
i lov e mouNtains.
i lov e mouNtains.
we are all coffee f iends in mY house! !!
i am environmentally aware. i don't claim perfection, but i try to do my part. we cloth diaPer otto (part-time). we compost (part-time). i am fascinated by all things sustainable.
i like listening to music. very fond of lo-fi rigHt now, and thanks to emma. ..showtunes. my music tastes run the gammut, & the interest is always changin g.
i am a master list m aker. i sometimes include sub-lists, within my lists. i like oRder to {some} things& might have even labelled our kitchen utensil drawers.
i will tr y anything oNce & boY..do i liKe trYing new tHings!
i will tr y anything oNce & boY..do i liKe trYing new tHings!
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thanks for checking in. i hope you find something enjoyable in my blog.