Thursday, January 31, 2013

Project 333, Phase 3: Update!!

Well, my final list has been stalled. I had posted a preliminary list (Project 333, Phase 3: The List) a few weeks back, and as I was working to whittle away seven items, I discovered an error in my count! Luckily, it was to my favor and I only had to whittle down three items. But it got me thinking. As I was looking over my list again and again (. . .and again!), the overall style just felt wrong to me. It was far too conservative. My personal style has run the gamut through the years, from Ultra Preppy (I was voted EGHS Class of '90 Class Prep, afterall!) to Hippie Boho. Either I am a style schizophrenic or everyone morphs through stages in their personal style. Well either way, I decided that for this phase, my wardrobe should meld my two extreme styles, so that my creativity in dressing will not be hindered, and I may fulfill any style whimsy that comes my way.

Another thing that kept popping into my head, was something I had read from an interview with Nanette Lepore (check out the amazing stuff on Nanette Lepore's website). When asked about her upcoming line, she replied that "more and more, everyone wants their pieces to be seasonless". How about that?! I've said it before. . anyone that knows me, knows I love a challenge. My wheels started turning. The notion of putting together a core wardrobe that could carry me for 365 is very appealing, indeed. It won't happen with Phase 3, but perhaps with the future Phase 4. I believe I could make this work, with a new set of parameters; a set core with limited variables that are switched out between the seasons? I don't know, I will have to mediate on this one. My preliminary Phase 3 list was not that far off from being some sort of a resemblance of a seasonless core. Sure, I have some courduroy and one heavy sweater, but I think with some conscious effort, I can get it on track. Part of what I will be considering over the upcoming days.

So my final Project 333, Phase 3 list is currently being refined, in order to meet a new set of criteria:

1. It will consist of a balanced set of conservative 
    and bohemian pieces, that can easily intermix 
    and play well together

2. I will strive to include pieces that will support 
    and set the groundwork for a potential 
    "seasonless wardrobe" in the near future

3. No items that require ironing or dry-cleaning 
    will be considered (my rule from Phase 2, 
    that just makes a whole lot of sense!)

Can't wait to see what I come up with. This should be interesting. . .


  1. I can't wait to see, too! I've thought about creating a core year-long wardrobe of 52 items to wear over one year. Maybe we should take that on together?!

  2. I would love it, Bev! Just curious, how did you arrive at the number, 52? It seems adequate. Do you envision that the 52 will include outerwear, footwear, swimsuits, accessories, etc. . everything, akin to P333?? I am definitely up for this challenge. I think we should project a start date, and fine tune the "rules"! What do you say?
