However, a few months ago, I decided to give the kale chips from the health food store a try. I was expecting to taste something similar to what I have been making out of my own kitchen. Boy, was I in for a surprise! They were thick and crunchy, and so full of flavor and zing. They were completely dairy free and raw to boot. Better than any potato chip I had ever tasted.
I have been hooked ever since. But staying in line with my Zero Processed Food Diet (and to save some moola -- these chips are $7.00 for a single serve bag!), I decided it was time to learn how to make this tastier version myself. Here's what I have figured out: kale, upon baking or dehydrating, will disintegrate to almost nothing. It will dry out to the fragile state to which I had been so accustomed. To counteract this, it must be coated in something that will hold it's body, even after the kale has been dried. Many recipes will call for a nut-based paste in which the kale is dredged, and then dehydrated (or cooked way way low in the oven) for several hours. This is a time consuming process, but it really is worth it in the end. I have experimented with a lower fat, lower calorie version, replacing half of the nuts with garbanzo beans and reducing the amount of olive oil. But below is the original recipe that I had arrived at through all my research:
Kale Chips
(makes enough for about half a bunch of kale)
3/4 cup soaked cashews (soak for at least 1 hour)
1/2 red bell pepper
2 cloves carlic
2 tablespoon Bragg's Liquid Aminos
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup nutritional yeast
1 lemon, juice of
- Use a dehydrator or use your oven at the lowest temperature
- Line two baking sheets with parchment paper
- Tear kale off stems into bite size pieces (don't use stems)
- Blend all the "Paste" ingredients in blender until very smooth
- Dredge kale pieces in mixture until fully covered
(the paste consistency should be loose enough to just be able to run off a spoon. if it's too thick thin with Bragg's or lemon juice)
- Bake or dehydrate until crisp and completely dried out
the dehydrator will take at least over night, my oven at 200 takes approx. 3 hours
Mama's helper, tearing the kale into pieces |
The finished paste |
Coated kale ready for the oven! |
Finished product! |